Environmental Data Analysis and Visualization

Documenting for Future Users (and Future You)

Warm-Up Activity

Convert the airquality dataset (from the datasets package) to a tibble and create a scatterplot with a smooth line showing the relationship between temperature and ozone levels for each month in the dataset. You may find the following functions helpful in this process:

  • facet_wrap to make a faceted plot

  • vars to define which variable to use for facets

  • drop_na to remove rows with NA values in certain columns

  • as.character to coerce numbers or other data types to character values

First look

ggplot(drop_na(aq,Temp,Ozone),aes(x=Temp,y=Ozone)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth() + 

Labeling facets

Facets are not treated as part of the aesthetic mapping in aes. One way to relabel these is to use fct_recode inside the vars function to change the factor names.

ggplot(drop_na(aq,Temp,Ozone),aes(x=Temp,y=Ozone)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth() + 

Labeling facets

Editing facet axis scales

For the same reason, we can’t access facet axis scales using any scales_* functions. We can modify these in the facet_wrap function with the scales argument.

ggplot(drop_na(aq,Temp,Ozone),aes(x=Temp,y=Ozone)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth() + 

Editing facet axis scales

We can change a single scale with the argument “free_x” or “free_y”.

ggplot(drop_na(aq,Temp,Ozone),aes(x=Temp,y=Ozone)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth() + 

Editing facet axis scales

Sensor of the Day

Passive acoustic monitoring

Sensor of the Day

Passive acoustic monitoring

Goulette et al. 2021 “Opportunistic Acoustic Telemetry Platforms” NOAA

NOAA NCEI Passive Acoustic Data

Where we’ve been

  • Navigating R Studio

  • Data objects and file systems in R

  • Finding data and getting help

  • Visualizing different kinds of data with ggplot2

  • Exploratory data analysis

Coming soon

  • From data handling to data wrangling with dplyr

  • Finer control with ggplot2 and friends

  • Spatial data analysis and visualization

  • Data modeling


Why would we want science to be reproducible?

Isn’t code reproducible by default?

Code will do precisely what we want, but it will not necessarily understood by others.

Isn’t code reproducible by default?

Reproducibility in data science

The Turing Way project illustration by Scriberia. CC-BY 4.0 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3332807.

Literate programming

An approach to writing software that centers the human user (and re-user) by combining natural language explanations with code.


Code notebooks

A code notebook is software tool for literate programming.


Quarto is a data science documentation and publishing system that comes built-in to RStudio.




Activity: Playing with Quarto notebooks

Download the PalmersPenguins.qmd file from Canvas. Try modifying the code, text, and titles in the document. You can also add your own Code Chunk using the button indicated below:

Communicating beyond the notebook



Interactive Visualizations

This week

  • How to create Quarto documents and integrate them into our process

  • Revisit Weeks 1 - 4

  • Brainstorm ideas for final projects