Environmental Data Analysis & Visualization

From Data Handling to Wrangling

Visualization Critique


Visualization Critique


Checking in

  • How did it go yesterday?

  • How much do you feel like you remember?

  • Ready to keep going?

Flight data

# A tibble: 32,735 × 16
    year month   day dep_time dep_delay arr_time arr_delay carrier tailnum
   <int> <int> <int>    <int>     <dbl>    <int>     <dbl> <chr>   <chr>  
 1  2013     6    30      940        15     1216        -4 VX      N626VA 
 2  2013     5     7     1657        -3     2104        10 DL      N3760C 
 3  2013    12     8      859        -1     1238        11 DL      N712TW 
 4  2013     5    14     1841        -4     2122       -34 DL      N914DL 
 5  2013     7    21     1102        -3     1230        -8 9E      N823AY 
 6  2013     1     1     1817        -3     2008         3 AA      N3AXAA 
 7  2013    12     9     1259        14     1617        22 WN      N218WN 
 8  2013     8    13     1920        85     2032        71 B6      N284JB 
 9  2013     9    26      725       -10     1027        -8 AA      N3FSAA 
10  2013     4    30     1323        62     1549        60 EV      N12163 
# ℹ 32,725 more rows
# ℹ 7 more variables: flight <int>, origin <chr>, dest <chr>, air_time <dbl>,
#   distance <dbl>, hour <dbl>, minute <dbl>

Flight data

nycflightsSpd<-mutate(nycflights,speed = distance / air_time * 60) 


# A tibble: 32,735 × 6
    year month   day carrier flight speed
   <int> <int> <int> <chr>    <int> <dbl>
 1  2013     6    30 VX         407  474.
 2  2013     5     7 DL         329  444.
 3  2013    12     8 DL         422  395.
 4  2013     5    14 DL        2391  447.
 5  2013     7    21 9E        3652  355.
 6  2013     1     1 AA         353  319.
 7  2013    12     9 WN        1428  353.
 8  2013     8    13 B6        1407  285 
 9  2013     9    26 AA        2279  444.
10  2013     4    30 EV        4162  447.
# ℹ 32,725 more rows

Flight data

function process data object
mutate add speed column nycflightsSpd
select subset columns to date, carrier, flight #, and speed nycflightsCarrSpd
filter subset to flights in January nycflightsCarrSpdJan
unite combine year, month, and day into single column nycflightsCarrSpdJanYMD

Flight data

function process data object
mutate add speed column nycflights1
select subset columns to date, carrier, flight #, and speed nycflights2
filter subset to flights in January nycflights3
unite combine year, month, and day into single column nycflights4

Pipes in R

The pipe operator |> allows us to combine multiple functions into a single,

nycflights |>
  mutate(speed = distance / air_time * 60) |>
  select(year:day,dep_time,carrier,flight,speed) |>
  filter(month==1) |>
# A tibble: 2,610 × 5
   Date      dep_time carrier flight speed
   <chr>        <int> <chr>    <int> <dbl>
 1 1/1/2013      1817 AA         353  319.
 2 1/23/2013     2024 EV        4412  319.
 3 1/15/2013     1626 B6         369  414 
 4 1/17/2013      626 US        1433  311.
 5 1/8/2013       902 B6          56  340.
 6 1/15/2013     1947 AA         575  396.
 7 1/1/2013      1454 EV        4390  363.
 8 1/30/2013     1306 EV        4120  277.
 9 1/4/2013      1942 B6         645  466.
10 1/8/2013      1859 AA          21  441.
# ℹ 2,600 more rows



Pipelines start with raw data (e.g., tibble) as the input

This table is passed as the first argument to the next function (so they don’t need the data argument)

The result of a pipeline is a dataset that can be fed into visualizations and analysis


Activity: Plumbing 101

Working in pairs or small groups, use the different functions from dplyr and tidyr to create a pipeline to wrangle raw data into the desired form

Use cheatsheets on Canvas for function descriptions

Example 1

Body mass and flipper length for penguins from Biscoe and Dream islands with a body mass over 400 grams.

Example 2

Price, number of baths, and square meters for three-bedroom homes in Sacramento.

Example 3

ID Number, Diameter in mm, and number of rings on top 100 abalone by ring count.

Example 3


rawData |>
  mutate(diameter_mm=diameter * 200) |>
  select(...1,diameter_mm,rings) |>
# A tibble: 136 × 3
    ...1 diameter_mm rings
   <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl>
 1   481         117    29
 2  2109         107    27
 3  2210          93    27
 4   295          99    26
 5  2202          98    25
 6  3150         108    24
 7  3281         108    24
 8   314          94    23
 9   315          97    23
10   502         104    23
# ℹ 126 more rows

Activity: Plumbing 101, part 2

Load the openintro package (if you don’t have it installed, install it from the command line)

We’ll be using the gss2010 dataset. Look at help to find metadata.

Using pipes, create a dataset of individuals who have attended college/university with the following variables:

  • hours worked per week

  • hours relaxing per week (assume a 7-day week)

  • hours not spent at work or relaxing

  • educational degree

  • attitude towards marijuana legalization

Can I use pipes with ggplot2?

Can I use pipes with ggplot2?


rawData |>
  mutate(diameter_mm=diameter * 200) |>
  select(...1,diameter_mm,rings) |>
  slice_max(order_by=rings,n=100) |>
  ggplot(aes(x=diameter_mm,y=rings)) + geom_point()

Can I use pipes with Base R?

Can I use pipes with Base R?

YES! (But only for functions where the first argument is a table)

rawData |>
  mutate(diameter_mm=diameter * 200) |>
  select(...1,diameter_mm,rings) |>
  slice_max(order_by=rings,n=100) |> 
       ...1 diameter_mm       rings 
     208387       12971        2699 

Can I use pipes for modeling data?

Can I use pipes for modeling data?

YES! (But

rawData |>
  mutate(diameter_mm=diameter * 200) |>
  select(...1,diameter_mm,rings) |>
  slice_max(order_by=rings,n=100) |> 
  lm(rings ~ diameter_mm, data=_) |>

lm(formula = rings ~ diameter_mm, data = slice_max(select(mutate(rawData, 
    diameter_mm = diameter * 200), ...1, diameter_mm, rings), 
    order_by = rings, n = 100))

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-2.3617 -1.5264 -0.5144  0.7875  8.6383 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 17.56936    1.41959  12.376   <2e-16 ***
diameter_mm  0.02387    0.01477   1.616    0.108    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 2.074 on 134 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.01912,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.0118 
F-statistic: 2.612 on 1 and 134 DF,  p-value: 0.1084

Next week

  • Visualizing more relationships

  • Fine controls with ggplot2

  • Time series data