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<<set $buffer = 0.0005>> /%sets buffer%/
<<set $PlaceOnelat = 43.174148>> /%sets the lat for this place%/
<<set $PlaceOnelong = -71.823484>> /%sets the long for this place%/
<<set $PlaceTwolat = 43.174957>>
<<set $PlaceTwolong = -71.825991>>Welcome to NEC Habitats! This site helps users explore the kinds of habitats and species found on the New England College Henniker campus.
To find out more about your location, [[click here]].
The area you're in now near Melander Field is classified as North-Central Appalachian Acidic Swamp. These are low/mid elevation depressions close to a water body (in this case, the Contoocook River). They feature hemlock and maple trees.
Swamps like these are home to the spotted salamander. These amphibians are often found under logs or stones, and can be identified by their bluish-black coloring with bright yellow spots.
<img src=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b5/Spotted_salamander_on_leaf.jpg width=50%>
<i>Tom Tyning, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons</i>
You can learn more about swamp and wetland conservation [[here|https://www.epa.gov/wetlands]].
To update your location, [[click here]]...<<if $Location.latitude lte ($PlaceOnelat + $buffer) and $Location.latitude gte ($PlaceOnelat - $buffer) and $Location.longitude lte ($PlaceOnelong + $buffer) and $Location.longitude gte ($PlaceOnelong - $buffer)>>
<<display "PlaceOne">>
<<elseif $Location.latitude lte ($PlaceTwolat + $buffer) and $Location.latitude gte ($PlaceTwolat - $buffer) and $Location.longitude lte ($PlaceTwolong + $buffer) and $Location.longitude gte ($PlaceTwolong - $buffer)>>
<<display "PlaceTwo">>
<<display "NoScene">>
<</if>>At the moment, you're either in an area not covered by our map, or your device's location needs to be updated. You can [[click here]] to update your location. The area you're in now is on the Railroad Trail behind the Neven's Art Annex and is classified as [[Appalachian (Hemlock)-Northern Hardwood Forest|http://www.conservationgateway.org/ConservationByGeography/NorthAmerica/UnitedStates/edc/Documents/HabitatGuides/12.pdf]]. These are low-to-mid elevation forests featuring hemlock, maple, and oak trees the occur on a range of soil types throughout the northeast.
These areas are habitats for New Hampshire's state bird, the [[Purple Finch|https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Purple_Finch/overview]]. These birds forage for seeds and buds in the tops of trees. Males of this species can be identified by their raspberry-colored plumage, while females are grey-brown.
<img src=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fa/Purple_Finch_DSC5650vv.jpg width=50%>
<i>VJAnderson, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons</i>
You can learn more about stewardship of this important habitat [[here|https://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/nongame/documents/brochurehemlockhardwoodpine.pdf]].
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