

Wright, D. K., S. J. Ivory, J. J. Birk, J.-H. Choi, B. Davies, S. Fiedler, J. Davis, P. Kaliba, and J. C. Thompson. Palaeoenvironmental data indicate Late Quaternary anthropogenic impacts on vegetation and landscapes in Mzimba, Northern Malawi. Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology 2. [Journal] [Author Copy] [Data and Code]

Riris, P., F. Silva, E. Crema, A. Palmisano, E. Robinson, P. Siegel, J. French, E. Kirkeng Jørgenson, S. Yoshi Maezumi, S. Solheim, J. Bates, B. Davies, Y. Oh, X. Ren. Frequent disturbances enhanced the resilience of past populations. Nature Published online ahead of print. [Journal] [Author copy] [Data and Code]


Davies, K., B. Davies, P. Blackett, P. Holland, N. Craddock-Henry. Adaptive and interactive futures: developing ‘serious games’ for coastal community engagement and decision making. In Re-Envisioning the Anthropocene Ocean, R. Craig and J. McCarthy (eds). Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. [Full-Text Link] [Link to Game]


Davies, B., M. Power, M. Douglass, D. Braun, S. Mosher, L. Quick, I. Esteban, J. Sealy, J. Parkington, and J. T. Faith. Fire and the management of late Holocene landscapes in southern Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews 289(107600):1-10. [Journal] [Author Copy] [Supplementary Information] [Data and Code]

Davies, B., M. Douglass, D. Braun, J. Parkington, M. Power, and J. T. Faith. From quartz curvature to late Holocene mobility at Spring Cave, Western Cape, South Africa. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14(59): 1-12. [Journal] [Author Copy] [Supplementary Information] [Data and Code]


Davies, B., M. Douglass, P. Fanning, and S. Holdaway. Resilience and reversibility: engaging with archaeological record formation to inform on past resilience. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 36(1):51-74. [Open Access Journal]

Faith, J.T., A. Du, A. K. Behrensmeyer, B. Davies, D. B. Patterson, J. Rowan, and B. Wood. Rethinking the ecological drivers of hominin evolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 36(9):797-807. [Journal] [Author Copy]

Douglass, M., B. Davies, D. Braun, J. T. Faith, M. Power, and J. Reeves. Deriving original nodule size of lithic reduction sets from cortical curvature: an application to monitor stone artifact transport from bipolar reduction. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 35. [Journal] [Author Copy]

Braun, D., J. T. Faith, M. Douglass, M. Power, B. Davies, V. Aldeias, N. Conard, R Cutts, L. Dupont, I. Esteban, A. Kandel, N. Levin, J. Luyt, J. Parkington, R. Pickering, L. Quick, J. Sealy, and D. Stynder. Ecosystem engineering in the Quaternary of the west coast of South Africa. Evolutionary Anthropology Published online. [Open Access Journal]


Faith, J. T., D. Braun, B. Davies, L. DeSantis, M. Douglass, I. Esteban, V. Hare, N. Levin, J. Luyt, R. Pickering, M. Power, J. Sealy, and D. Stynder. Ecometrics and the paleoecological implications of Pleistocene faunas from the western coastal plains of the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. Journal of Quaternary Science DOI: 10.1002/jqs.3247 [Journal]

Carney, M. and B. Davies, 2020. Agent-based modeling, scientific reproducibility, and taphonomy: a successful model implementation case study. Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology 3(1): 182-196. DOI: 10.5334/jcaa.52 [Open Access Journal] [Preprint]

Emmitt, J., K. Allely, B. Davies, E. Hoffman, and S. Holdaway, 2020. Preliminary archaeological survey of shell mounds at Kwokkunum, Albatross Bay, Cape York, Australia. Queensland Archaeological Research 23: 9-24. DOI: 10.25120/qar.23.2020.3718 [Open Access Journal]

Davies, B., 2020. Review: Oxford Handbook of Prehistoric Oceania - E. Cochrane and T. Hunt (eds). Journal of the Polynesian Society 129(1): 113-115. [Download]


Holdaway, S. and B. Davies, 2019. Surface Stone Artifact Scatters, Settlement Patterns, and New Methods for Stone Artifact Analysis. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology Published online. DOI: 10.1007/s41982-019-00030-8 [Open Access Journal]

Romanowska, I., S. Crabtree, K. Harris, and B. Davies, 2019. Agent-based modeling for archaeologists: Part 1 of 3. Advances in Archaeological Practice 7(2): 178-184. DOI: 10.1017/aap.2019.6 [Journal] [Journal Share Link][Data and Supplementary Files]

Davies, B., Romanowska, I., Harris, K., and S. Crabtree, 2019. Combining Geographic Information Systems and Agent-Based Models in Archaeology: Part 2 of 3. Advances in Archaeological Practice 7(2): 185-193. DOI: 10.1017/aap.2019.5 [Journal] [Journal Share Link][Data and Supplementary Files]

Crabtree, S., K. Harris, B. Davies, and I. Romanowska, 2019. Outreach in archaeology with agent-based modeling: Part 3 of 3. Advances in Archaeological Practice 7(2): 194-202. DOI: 10.1017/aap.2019.4 [Journal] [Journal Share Link][Data and Supplementary Files]


Davies, B., 2018. Weaving the common threads of simulation and formation studies in archaeology. In Oceans of Data: Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, M. Matsumoto and E. Uleberg (eds). Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 481-494. [Open Access Proceedings] [Preprint]

Davies, B., Holdaway, S. J., and P. C. Fanning, 2018. Exploring relationships between space, movement, and lithic geometric attributes in the formation of archaeological landscapes. American Antiquity 83(3): 444-461. [Journal] [Preprint] [Data and Supplementary Files]

Davies, B. and I. Romanowska, 2018. An Emergent Community? Agent-Based Modelers in Archaeology. SAA Archaeological Record 18: 27–32. [Open Access Journal]

Davies, B., 2018. Review: Deep Time Dreaming: Uncovering Ancient Australia - . B. Griffiths. Archaeology in Oceania 53(3): 220-221. [Journal]

Davies, B. and S. Holdaway, 2018. Deflation archaeology. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, C. Smith (ed.). Amsterdam: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-51726-1_911-2 [Book]


Davies, B. and S. J. Holdaway, 2017. Windows on the Past? Perspectives on Accumulation, Formation, and Significance from an Australian Holocene Lithic Landscape. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte 26:125-156. [Open Access Journal]

Holdaway, S. J., Davies, B., and P. C. Fanning, 2017. Aboriginal use of fire in a landscape context: investigating presence and absence of heat retainer hearths in western New South Wales, Australia. Current Anthropology 58(S16):230-242. DOI: 10.1086/691436 [Open Access Journal]

Marwick, B., Guedes, J. d’Alpoim, Barton, C. M., Bates, L. A., Baxter, M., Bevan, A., Bollwerk, E. A., Bocinsky, R. K., Brughmans, T., Carter, A. K., Conrad, C., Contreras, D. A., Costa, S., Crema, E. R., Daggett, A., Davies, B., Drake, B. L., Dye, T. S., France, P., Fullager, R., Giusti, D., Graham, S., Harris, M. D., Hawks, J., Heath, S., Huffer, D., Kansa, E. C., Kansa, S. W., Madsen, M. E., Melcher, J., Negre, J., Neiman, F. D., Opitz, R., Orton, D. C., Przystupa, P., Raviele, M., Riel-Salvatore, J., Riris, P., Romanowska, I., Smith, J., Strupler, N., Ullah, I. I., Vlack, H. G. V., VanValkenberg, N., Watrall, E. C., Webster, C., Wells, J., Winters, J. and C. D. Wren, 2017. Open Science in Archaeology. SAA Archaeological Record 17: 8–14. [Open Access Journal] [Preprint]


Davies, B., Holdaway, S. J., and P. C. Fanning, 2016. Modelling the palimpsest: an exploratory agent-based model of surface archaeological deposit formation in a fluvial arid Australian landscape. The Holocene 26(3): 450-463. DOI: 10.1177/0959683615609754 [Journal] [Preprint] [Data and Supplementary Files]


Davies, B., 2015. Review: Computational Approaches to Archaeological Spaces-A. Bevan and M. Lake (eds). Journal of Pacific Archaeology 6(2):65. [Journal]

Davies, B. and S. Bickler, 2015. Sailing the simulated seas: a new simulation for evaluating prehistoric seafaring. In Across Space and Time: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology CAA. Proceedings of the 41st International Conference, Perth, WA, Australia, March 25 – 28, 2013. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [Open Access Proceedings] [Preprint]


Davies, B., 2011. Review: Hawaiki Rising: Hōkūle‘a, Nainoa Thompson, and the Hawaiian Renaissance - S. Low. Rapa Nui Journal 28(2): 89-90. [Open Access Journal] [Download]


Davies, B., 2011. Review: Terra Australis 28: New Directions in Archaeological Science-A. Fairbairn, S. O’Connor, and B. Marwick (eds). Journal of the Polynesian Society 120(1): 89-91. [Open Access Journal]

Other publications

Davies, B. Agent-based modeling prehistoric landscape use with R and NetLogo. In How To Do Archaeological Science Using R, B. Marwick (ed). Book in open review at