4  Lab Exercise 5

In this exercise, we’re going to conduct a (very brief) exploratory analysis and document it using a Quarto document. There will be four headers in this document:

4.0.1 First header: About the project

  • Some text noting that the data are recordings of abalone from coastal Tasmania, with a link to the data source, and also note that all values are transformed by dividing by 200.

  • An image of an abalone with a caption indicating the common and scientific name

  • An unordered list of variables recorded in the abalone dataset (think about where variable names are stored)

4.0.2 Second header: Modifying the data

  • Read the data in as a tibble

  • Create a new column that converts the diameter to mm, and then to inches

  • Create a new column that converts the length to mm, and then to inches

4.0.3 Third header: Length vs. Diameter

  • Some text describing which variables are being plotted and what sort of pattern you see

  • A code chunk that produces a 2D bin plot with the abalone length and diameter

4.0.4 Fourth header: Diameter vs. Rings

  • Some text describing which variables are being plotted and what sort of pattern you see

  • A code chunk that produces a scatterplot with the abalone diameter and its ring count

When you’re done, save your .qmd file and submit it to Canvas.